1. SARAMAint: The Complementarity Plot for Protein-Protein Interface
    Sankar Basu, Dhananjay Bhattacharyya, and Bjorn Wallner*
    Journal of Bioinformatics and Intelligent Control, 2014, 3:309-314.
    Publishers: American Scienctific Publishers (ISSN: 2326-7496)
  2. Cited by ⇒

  3. Finding correct protein-protein docking models using ProQDock.
    Sankar Basu, Bjorn Wallner*
    Bioinformatics. 2016, 32 (12): i262-i270.
    Publishers: Oxford Press (ISSN: 1460-2059)
  4. Presented in ISMB-2016, Orlando, Florida, USA   
    Cited by ⇒

  5. DockQ: A quality measure for protein-protein docking models.
    Sankar Basu, Bjorn Wallner*
    PLOS ONE, 2016, 11 (8): e0161879
    Publishers: PLOS (ISSN: 1932-6203)
  6. Serves as in the quality assesment for docked protein complexes in the Protein Olympics (CAPRI)   
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  7. Proteus: A Random Forest Classifier that Predicts Disorder-to-Order Transitioning Binding Regions in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
    Sankar Basu, Fredrik Söderqvist, Björn Wallner*
    Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 2017, 31(5): 453–466
    Publishers: Springer Nature (ISSN: 1573-4951)
  8. Cited by ⇒